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Last reviews

Elfie CARGNEL noted

I had it delivered so I won't talk about the atmosphere at the restaurant. As usual: delicious food! A perfect order! Fresh products. I recommend 400%

Yaniskater noted

Very good restaurant, the prices are affordable for the dishes offered, the salmon is fresh and the sushi is very good and the fried dishes are not too greasy! I eat takeout about once every 2 weeks and I have never been disappointed. The menus are reasonable because they are all composed of 3 condiments (miso soup, bowl of rice, coleslaw) and the dish(es) included in it for a price of around €13 for all menus The people doing the service are diligent I recommend the G10 menu (soup, rice, salad, 6gyozas/4 spring rolls, spring roll) at 13€👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

marion dufour noted

I have ordered almost every week for 7 years and have never been disappointed. I recommend.

Opening hours

  • Mon: 18h30-22h30
  • Tue - Sat : 11h30-14h30, 18h30-22h30
  • Sun: 18h30-22h30
  • Opens at 11:30

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